Diana Campanella

About Diana Campanella
As we dwell upon this earth and experience our power, we see all possibilities before us. We may witness every combination of events, every scenario, every image, think every thought, and watch our feelings and thoughts manifest into the stories of our lives. And as the creators of this world of wonder, we can use this power that we posses to learn who we really are.
Since consciousness goes beyond the conventional description of what appears to be reality, we must seek to find the depths of our true identities. Who and what we are is not obvious to our underdeveloped "sight".
Our completeness lies within our expressiveness and through the means by which we express ourselves. We can materialize that which is thought; we are our thoughts and we dream our own realities.
Being more than our tangible selves and given the capacity to view more than visible reality, we can manifest our emotions. We are able to reveal our true selves, as we are colors, light, songs, movement and energy in the midst of abstraction which goes beyond words. We are unlimited, creators of beauty and we need to make realizations of our greatness.
As a painter, I create and search for my true self and hope to touch others with my findings so that they may discover their own true nature and realize their own power, wonderment, beauty and love their own selves. It is through abstraction that I set out to accomplish this, for I am not a landscape or a still life, not, even, really a figure. I am a seeker of the true self, translator of my own reality, conveyor of reflections, and akin to my viewer......
~Diana Campanella©1994
...............................................................................................................................................Diana Campanella's artworks span over more than 30 years and across the country. She took her Master of Fine Arts at the State University of New York at the College at New Paltz. She also taught there as an adjunct professor and has instructed art privately.
From activist, to magazine founder/publisher to artist/writer, to founder of a peace project, Diana works are collected not just for their emotional appeal, but because of who she is and her outlook.
Diana's view of the world becomes apparent, not only in her paintings, but also through her philosophical thought process and sayings/proverbial writings. Her belief system and her interest in the metaphysical, all become intertwined in her expression. She goes beyond the paint brush and allows her poetry and her own proverbs/verses to become bi-products of emotional expression as they manifested from 'intuitive thought'.
Examples of the intuitive process by which she paints, finally arriving at a destination where logic and philosophy take root are apparent in works like 'A Day In The Life Of 'Them' or the Universelings Series. Painting after painting she has gone from the non verbal to be poked into expressing the wisdom of the day.
Diana has also found a place in the dancing arts as an interpretive and improvisational dancer viewed worldwide. She has been known as dancing under the names of Artemisbell and Tengobaila while she is juxtaposed on a 'stage' with her paintings.